This leads not only to a decrease in the speed of data acquisition, but also to a loss of accuracy or reliability at one of the stages of data transmission. Imagine: you receive data from different systems and sources, but they are available to you only upon request, in addition, this data is transferred to you by a specialist who can change the content at any time.

To achieve the goals as quickly as possible, the systems must be connected in a single productive chain. Lidar scanners make it possible to quickly obtain data with high accuracy, rock sampling technologies give a picture of the position of the ore body in the array, positioning systems track the position and condition of equipment in real time, and GEOVIA Surpac design and planning systems GEOVIA MineSched are tools for creating mining projects and scenarios. Accordingly, we need such systems and equipment that will improve the efficiency of the processes for obtaining and processing information. It is necessary to be able to receive information at any time in order to respond to changes and quickly edit the production scenario. If we talk about short-term planning, it is important that this data is not only accurate, but also relevant. Therefore, it is necessary to have resources that allow you to qualitatively prepare data and work with them. If one of the sources carries data with low accuracy or incorrect information, then the entire process chain will be erroneous and distant from the goal. The correctness of the source information exponentially affects the final goal. Therefore, to create the optimal plan, you must be able to obtain the most accurate data. We must not forget that all this data is the primary source, the information with which the creation of the plan begins. And most of the information depends on each other. The data stream is constant and infinite.

Whatever your needs, we have the expertise and experience necessary to ensure you are applying best practice grade control methodology appropriate to your circumstances.What data does mining planning provide? This is surveying and geological information, design data and production and technical information (for example, from ERP systems).Īll these processes carry a huge amount of graphical, digital and textual information, such as a cloud of laser scanning points, a surveying database, operational bottom-hole surveying, a geological block model, test data of blasting wells, changing contacts in blasted rock mass, production indicators and their changes, changes in the dynamics of equipment operation, etc. We can help you replace a homegrown system, set up a new area of the operation, or assist when you are about to start mining. Automation results in significant time savings.Increased collaboration between geology, planning and production.Establishment of consistency of procedures and continuity of knowledge.Improved reconciliation between predicted and actual production.Minimized dilution and maximized ore extraction.It essentially comprises of data collection, integration and interpretation, local resource estimation, ore polygon design, and supervision of mining stockpile management. This is where GEOVIA Surpac Grade Control is able to apply geostatistical techniques to accurately define these limits in a geological zone, thus allowing optimal use of the available information. Once this is achieved (which is an essential prerequisite), the problem is to adequately define what is ore and what is waste. The factors that play a role in the efficiency of running a mine are many, however, with a good analysis of the geology and a correct sampling procedure, the grade control can be performed at an optimal level. Learn more about Automated Grade Control System using GEOVIA Surpac. It requires the delivery of tonnes at an optimum grade to the mill, via the accurate definition of ore and waste. Grade Control plays an essential role in the efficiency of running a mine.